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Substitute Numbering Agencies

Substitute Numbering Agencies

To assist countries where no National Numbering Agency (NNA) exists, four numbering agencies (CUSIP Global Services in the US, WM Datenservice from Germany, SIX Financial Information and National Settlement Depository (MICEX Group) from Russia) have been designated as Substitute Numbering Agencies (SNAs). Areas of responsibility have been divided geographically among them, so that global coverage is achieved.

Once a country has appointed a National Numbering Agency, that agency and the substitute agency work closely together in order to ensure a smooth transition of the numbering function. The SNA for a country may also step in to assist the appointed NNA with operational issues.

This directory shows the SNA assigned to each country in case of need. Click on the country listing to display more information.

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[list of substitute numbering agencies]

This section offers more details on the types of members of ANNA and their activities. To learn more, visit the links listed below:

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