Dear Reader, In this editorial, I am proud to reflect on the achievements of the…
ANNA Newsletter: February 2022

Dear Reader,
On behalf of the ANNA Board and Management team we are pleased to welcome you to our spring newsletter. This edition is particularly poignant, as we celebrate a big milestone, our own 30-year anniversary!
At the heart of ANNA are the member National Numbering Agencies (NNAs), responsible for ISIN, FISN and CFI assignment and maintenance, who are the local market experts in their jurisdictions. With +82 million ISINs and related information on file, together with NNAs, ANNA is helping to harmonise financial standards. We would like to thank all those who have been part of ANNA over the years, working to reduce the time, cost and risk of cross-border transactions through improving global interoperability using financial standards. We hope you enjoy this special anniversary issue.
Best wishes,
Claudio Garin
Treasurer, ANNA

Q&A with Dan Kuhnel, Member of the Board of Directors
Dan Kuhnel, Member of the Board of Directors for ANNA, shares his thoughts with Financial IT on what has made ANNA so successful and the key milestones he remembers most, as we celebrate 30 years as an association. Read the full Q&A.
Digital Assets Round Table
In celebration of ANNA’s 30th anniversary, ANNA held a round table with industry experts to discuss Digital Assets and the important role international financial standards play in ensuring efficient and transparent global trading.
Q&A with Georg Eisel, 1994-2008 Member of the Board
In this exclusive Q&A, former Member of the Board, Georg Eisel, reflects on ANNA’s 30th anniversary. He looks back at the early days of the organisation, its evolution and what has made it so successful.
ANNA Celebrates 30 Year Landmark Anniversary
Following the publication of the International Securities Identification Number (ISIN) standard ISO 6166, 22 National Numbering Agencies (NNAs) established ANNA on 29th January 1992. ANNA has grown significantly over 30 years and now has 119 members and partners globally, allocating ISINs for more than 200 jurisdictions.
ANNA Announces Implementation of Revised ISO 6166
On 23 February 2022, ANNA announced the timeline for National Numbering Agencies’ implementation of the revised ISO 6166 ISIN standard, bringing further clarity and transparency in the identification and reporting of trades through the use of international standards.
DSB Monthly Metrics and Quarterly FIRDS & FITRS Analysis
DSB metrics are available for month ending December 2021 for OTC derivative reference data creation and search trends as well as the quarterly FIRDS & FITRS Analysis for Q4 2021.
ANNA Welcomes Macao as a New Partner
In December 2021, ANNA welcomed the Monetary Authority of Macao as a new ANNA partner. You can see the full list of members here.
ANNA Welcomes Cabo Verde as a Full Member
In December 2021, Bolsa De Valores de Cabo Verde became a full ANNA member. You can see the full list of members here.
Derivatives Service Bureau (DSB) wins ‘Best Standards Solution for Data Management’ at the Data Management Insight Awards 2021
The awards are designed to recognise providers who are finding creative solutions to help with data challenges that span a wide range of market and regulatory requirements.
You can see all the latest ANNA updates by visiting the ANNA website. You can also stay up to date by following ANNA on Twitter and Linkedin.