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About The Derivatives Service Bureau

Founded by ANNA, the Derivatives Service Bureau (DSB) is a fully automated global generator of ISINs, CFIs and FISNs, for Over the Counter (OTC) derivatives

A global utility with widespread industry representation, expertise and collaboration at its core, the DSB provides ISINs, CFIs and descriptive data on a cost recovery basis for the OTC derivatives market.

The DSB has been designated as the sole service provider for the future Unique Product Identifier (UPI) System performing the function of issuer of UPI codes as well as operator of the UPI reference data library.

The DSB is committed to the use of international standards to make the OTC derivatives market a more stable and efficient environment within which to trade. Motivated to bring greater transparency and integration to the OTC derivatives market, the DSB also enables institutional investors to standardise data and better control operational risk, which in turn will benefit the end investor.

For more information, please  visit the DSB website

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