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Q&A with Sarah Tarawneh, ANNA’s new Board Member
The Association of National Numbering Agencies recently appointed a new Board Member, Sarah Tarawneh of the Securities Depository Center (SDC) in Jordan.
Having been a member of ANNA since 2005, Sarah shares insights in this Q&A into her recent appointment to the board, ANNA’s ambitions for global standardisation and what that success will look like.
As a representative for the Middle East, Sarah is a valuable addition to the board as ANNA continues to widen its base of jurisdictions supporting members both regionally and globally.
We look forward to working with you Sarah!
Q. What motivated you to take the board position at ANNA, and what expertise do you bring to the role?
I have been participating in ANNA’s general meetings since 2005 when I started working on revising the standards’ documentation and supporting the executive team working on generating the standards. Being a part of this association has provided me with powerful insights into the global practices of standardisation for capital market instruments.
Over this time, I have had the chance to meet with experienced ANNA board members, and thought joining would provide a great opportunity to support the goal of a growing international association that is providing expert guidance for its member countries. Coming from the Middle East, I also thought it would be advantageous to represent my region to help support the members by providing a regional voice for any challenges they may be experiencing.
I have been working with the Securities Depository Center (SDC) in Jordan for over 20 years. I come from a legal background and I have extensive experience in financial markets and securities regulation frameworks. My work as CEO of the depository and designated numbering agency in Jordan has provided me with practical insights into the challenges and opportunities associated with securities identification. Through my work with the board I look forward to bridging the gap between local needs and global practices in standardisation, and to promoting the wider use of standards.
Q. What aspects of ANNA’s work are most useful to you as the designated numbering agency in Jordan?
ANNA’s comprehensive resources and global network are invaluable to our work in the SDC.
Being the sole NNA in the country, the SDC is the central allocator of standards which enhance the integrity, interoperability and validation of data. Membership helps members to align with best practices and promote our data inclusiveness.
ANNA’s support in providing up-to-date guidelines, its facilitation of knowledge sharing, and its dedication to fostering a collaborative environment among numbering agencies has been hugely influential. The ability to benefit from expertise and resources help us to support market growth and stability in Jordan.
Q. Going forward, where do you feel ANNA can add the most benefit to the development and adoption of standardisation?
As Capital markets evolve, there will always be room for development and movement towards the adoption of standards. It is my belief that understanding the importance and benefits of global standardisation in the financial sector will drive the need and thus lead the way towards more compliance and implementation.
There will always be opportunities and new challenges, and the progress we have had in the digital assets world is a good example of this currently. New instruments, new technologies and wider global and cross-border trades initiate the necessity for the adoption of common and standard methodology, whereby all jurisdictions share an adopted standards base for their data and identifiers.
There will certainly be the opportunity to enhance the technology and tools used to automate compliance and data management. This will further support and boost the efficiency of capital markets and reduce operational risks.
Q. What does success look like-what are your own, and the shared ambitions, for ANNA?
In my view, ANNA has succeeded in positioning itself as the global source for standards in capital markets, and for promoting the adoption and implementation of standards in this field. ANNA will continue to serve financial markets and support its members at a global scale.
The ability to preserve and grow this position requires a dedication to fostering a more efficient financial system through the adoption and implementation of standards and this remains ANNA’s core ambition. Widening the base of jurisdictions benefiting from the application of standards is a key responsibility for ANNA to achieve this ambition.
And from a personal perspective, I am honoured to share the values that ANNA represents. I hope to support its goals in every way possible, specifically in supporting the region I represent by bridging the gaps required to achieve a better compliance in capital markets through the promotion and adoption of standards.
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