Dear Reader, In this editorial, I am proud to reflect on the achievements of the…

ANNA Newsletter July 2023

Dear Reader
Welcome to our ANNA newsletter. We hope you enjoy the content.
I am truly excited to have recently been appointed as the new Chair of ANNA. First, I would like to extend my deep gratitude to Dan Kuhnel, who recently passed on the baton. As a long-serving Chair, Dan contributed immensely to the success of ANNA. Under his tenure, ANNA has evolved alongside rapidly transforming and ever-complex markets to provide vital standards which bring transparency, harmonisation, efficiencies and regulatory compliance. Now, a month into the role as new Chair, I promise to strive tirelessly to continue ANNA’s good work. I cannot do that without the NNAs, who deserve full recognition and enormous thanks for their consistent and thorough work driving interoperability and better data quality through the use of standards. ANNA’s Working Groups, Task Forces and Regional Groups continue to make significant progress on developing standard identification, including on digital assets, and we will continue working with NNAs to further improve everything we do for industry.
Thank you,
Torsten Ulrich
ANNA Chair
Q&A with Cristina Ribó Sörensen as the new ANNA Board Director
We are so grateful that our new Board Director, Cristina Ribó Sörensen, recently took the time to speak to us about her new role. In this interview, she discusses ANNA’s priorities, her message for the NNAs and how standards help the financial industry.
DSB Metrics for June 2023
OTC derivative reference data creation and search trends for the month ending June 2023 are now available to view on the DSB website.
FSB finalises global regulatory framework for crypto asset activities
The Financial Stability Board (FSB) published its global regulatory framework for crypto-asset activities to promote the comprehensiveness and international consistency of regulatory and supervisory approaches.
DSB 2023 Industry Consultation
The Derivatives Service Bureau (DSB), the golden global source of reference data for Over-the-Counter (OTC) derivatives, has published the 2023 Industry Consultation Final Report today related to the 2024 OTC International Securities Identification Number (ISIN) and Classification Financial Instrument code (CFI) service provision.
DSB UPI Update
Implementation of the Unique Product Identifier (UPI), which identifies OTC derivatives products for derivatives trade reporting, is underway. DerivSource talks to Emma Kalliomaki, Managing Director of the Association of National Numbering Agencies (ANNA) and Derivatives Service Bureau (DSB), to get an update on how UPI implementation is proceeding and what challenges remain.
You can see all the latest ANNA updates by visiting the ANNA website. You can also stay up to date by following ANNA on Twitter and Linkedin.
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