Dear Reader, In this editorial, I am proud to reflect on the achievements of the…
ANNA Newsletter: November 2021

Dear Reader,
On behalf of the ANNA Board and Management team we are pleased to welcome you back to our newsletter. This edition is particularly exciting, as we celebrate a big milestone, 40 years of the ISIN. ISINs have been uniquely identifying all types of asset classes and ISO 6166 has become the globally adopted, common language of financial instruments processing. The ISIN has been used around the world, and there are now +78 million ISINs and related information on file, helping to harmonise financial standards. Being kept up to date ISIN will be fit for purpose for all future challenges. So please help us celebrate its success and we hope you enjoy this special anniversary issue.
Best wishes,
Torsten Ulrich, Vice Chairman, ANNA

Q&A with Vipin Y.S Mahabirsingh on the Adoption of DLT
Vipin Mahabirsingh from the Central Depository & Settlement Corporation Ltd (CDS, Mauritius) answers questions around why Digital Assets are important to ANNA and the challenges of DLT adoption. Vipin is an NNA representative in the ANNA WG2 Subgroup on Digital Assets, in the ANNA/ETS ISIN-DTI Taskforce, as well as the DTI Product Advisory Committee.
Q&A with Uwe Meyer on the HIstory of ISIN
As part of ANNA’s anniversary celebrations, ANNA Secretariat Uwe Meyer looks back at the history of ANNA and the ISIN, its evolution and important milestones.
The Association of National Numbering Agencies: 40 Years of ISIN
The first version of the ISIN standard, ISO 6166, was published on the 1st November 1981. Development of the standard was driven by an industry need to improve cross-border trading and global interoperability. Under rigorous processes, the industry has developed the ISIN to become the globally adopted, common language of financial instruments processing.
Revision of the FISN Standard
During the latest ISO voting on a potential review of ISO 18774 (FISN – Financial Instrument Short Name) some material comments were provided by ISO members that justified a revision of the standard. ANNA is appointed as Registration Authority by ISO for the FISN standard. As a sufficient number of ISO members named experts to contribute to the revision, a Working Group will be set-up shortly. Voting is currently taking place to elect a convenor with the ballot closing on November 9, 2021.
Monthly DSB Metrics – September 2021
DSB metrics are available for OTC derivative reference data creation and search trends for month ending September 2021.
DSB Publishes UPI Fee Model Consultation Final Report
In September, the DSB announced the publication of the Unique Product Identifier (UPI) fee model consultation Final Report, focusing on the principles underlying the UPI fee model and cost basis of the UPI service.
eTrading Software Establishes Non-Profit Foundation for Issuance of DTIs
Non-profit foundation will provide ISO standard identifiers for digital assets based on open data principles.
Digital Token Identifier Industry Forum Discuss Crypto Standards
In August 2021, the Digital Token Identifier Foundation (DTIF) announced the first meeting of the DTI Product Advisory Committee (PAC) amid regulatory focus on crypto markets.
ANNA Welcomes Bahrain Clear and Central Securities Depository of Belarus to the ISIN:LEI Mapping Initiative
In August 2021, Bahrain Clear opted into the agreement to participate in the joint ISIN-LEI initiative from ANNA and GLEIF, and the Central Securities Depository of Belarus opted into the ISIN:LEI Mapping Initiative in September.
You can see all the latest ANNA updates by visiting the ANNA website. You can also stay up to date by following ANNA on Twitter and Linkedin.