Dear Reader, In this editorial, I am proud to reflect on the achievements of the…
ANNA Newsletter: July 2021
Dear Reader,
On behalf of the ANNA Board and Management team we are pleased to welcome you back to our newsletter. This edition is full of exciting news in the world of digital asset identifiers!
First, we are very excited to announce that we have partnered with Etrading Software’s Digital Token Identifier Foundation to establish a task force on digital assets as well as to identify the synergies between ISIN and DTI.
In this edition, we also highlight our own work on digital asset identifiers, and news on the revision of the ISO 6166 standard. We take a closer look at some of our ANNA members who, as National Numbering Agencies (NNAs), are at the heart of ANNA and work hard to drive standards globally. Additionally, we are delighted to introduce the newly elected and re-elected board members.
Please do get in touch through the usual channels to share your thoughts and comments with us.
Best wishes,
Laura Stanley
ANNA Marketing Director
Anurag Tripathi, Convener ANNA Working Group 2 – ISIN Quality & Guidelines, answers some important questions about the Working Group 2 (WG2) in this exclusive Q&A, including how the group helps National Numbering Agencies (NNAs), key achievements from the past 12 months, priorities for the remainder of 2021 and what’s next for digital assets.
ETS’s DTI Foundation Establishes Task Force with ANNA on Digital Asset Standards
ANNA has partnered with Etrading Software Ltd’s Digital Token Identifier Foundation to establish a task force on Digital Asset standards, to examine synergies between the DTI and ISIN standards.
Digital Token Identifier Registry Goes Live
Etrading Software’s Digital Token Identifier Foundation (DTIF), a non-profit division of the company, is responsible for the DTI Registry. The foundation’s mission is to provide the golden source reference data for the unique identification of digital tokens based on ISO’s new standard for digital assets, ISO 24165. The launch is ahead of the ISO standard that is scheduled to be published in Q3 2021 to meet urgent industry and any regulatory need.
ANNA welcomes the Dutch Caribbean Securities Exchange (DCSX) as an ANNA partner
We would like to welcome the Dutch Caribbean Securities Exchange (DCSX) in Curacao as an ANNA partner. The full list of members is available on the ANNA website.
ANNA Appoints KDPW SA Poland as a New Board Member
We would like to welcome new board member Krajowy Depozyt Papierów Wartościowych SA (KDPW), represented by Slawomir Zajac, and congratulate re-elected Board members Euroclear Bank SA/NV, represented by Dan Kuhnel, and Depósito Central de Valores, Chile, represented by Claudio Garin.
MAS consults on Proposed Amendments to the Regulations on Reporting of Derivatives Contracts
Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) seeks views on the proposed amendments to the Securities and Futures (Reporting of Derivatives Contracts) Regulations 2013. The proposed amendments aim to facilitate the aggregation of OTC derivatives data through standardisation and harmonisation of data elements by incorporating CPMI-IOSCO’s technical guidance on the harmonisation of the unique transaction identifier (UTI), unique product identifier (UPI) and other critical data elements (CDE). This consultation closes on 3 September 2021.
UK Wholesale Markets Review: a consultation
The UK Wholesale Markets Review consultation considers how the UK’s regime for wholesale capital markets can be reformed to deliver a framework that is fair, outcomes-based and supports openness and competitiveness, whilst maintaining the highest regulatory standards. This consultation closes on 24 September 2021.
You can see all the latest ANNA updates by visiting the ANNA website. You can also stay up to date by following ANNA on Twitter and Linkedin.