Dear Reader, In this editorial, I am proud to reflect on the achievements of the…
ANNA Newsletter: April 2021

Chairman’s Welcome
Dear reader,
The ANNA Board and Management team are pleased to share the first edition of our ANNA Newsletter.
Our Association, members and partners faced a challenging business environment over the last 12+ months due to the global Covid-19 pandemic; as was the case for all organisations worldwide across the area of capital market financial services. We sincerely hope we are close to a time where some social stability returns to our day-to-day activities.
The ANNA Newsletter provides updates on items of interest or strategic importance to the Association. It is also a forum for members/partners to share changes and developments with other industry members – initiatives that contribute to making financial instrument identification and/or classification more accurate, efficient and robust. We hope the content of this Newsletter complements the activities of the National Numbering Agencies – our members and partners.
The ANNA Board and Management team are always interested to receive your feedback on the content of this or future Newsletters, so please share any comments or future topics you would like to see addressed.
Yours sincerely,
P Daniel Kuhnel
ANNA Chairman

ANNA and GLEIF ISIN-to-LEI Mapping Service jurisdiction expansion
In December 2020, ANNA announced that additional jurisdictions had been added to the open-source relationship files provided through the certified ISIN-to-LEI mapping service. This certified initiative, which ANNA has undertaken with the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF), maps ISINs to their corresponding Legal Entity Identifiers (LEIs). In recent months ANNA has welcomed Euroclear France, Euroclear Netherlands, and Hellenic Central Securities Depository S.A. (ATHEXCSD) to the ISIN:LEI Mapping Initiative. You can see a full list of all the NNAs that have opted into the initiative so far on ANNA’s website.
Updated – ISO 6166 International Securities Identification Number (ISIN)
As the Registration Authority for the ISO ISIN standard, ANNA would like to inform users of the publication of the revised ISO 6166 ISIN standard on 2 February 2021. ISO 6166:2021 has an expanded scope from previously covering securities to also formally including a broader range of financial and referential instruments, such as OTC derivatives, baskets, emission allowances and carbon credits. There has also been an introduction of new minimum descriptive elements such as the inclusion of Legal Entity Identfiers (LEI) for issuers, where available.
The DSB Industry Consultation Timelines for OTC ISIN and UPI Service Provisions
The DSB announced the timeline for the annual OTC ISIN industry consultation, aimed at shaping the service provision for 2022. The OTC ISIN consultation opens on 30 April 2021 and closes 31 May 2021. Additionally, the second UPI Fee Model consultation seeking to obtain feedback on the assumptions and proposals that will underpin the fee model, will open on 10 May 2021 and closes on 9 July 2021.
You can see all the latest ANNA updates by visiting the ANNA website. You can also stay up to date by following ANNA on Twitter and Linkedin.