See insights from ANNA and DTIF in the GDF 2024 Annual Report here
ANNA Supports the ECB’s Statement on Use of ISIN in Securities Prospectuses
The Association of National Numbering Agencies (ANNA), welcomes and supports the opinion of the European Central Bank of 17 March, in response to the “Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the prospectus to be published when securities are offered to the public or admitted to trading.” ANNA concurs that the mandatory enforcement of the International Securities Identification Number (ISIN) and the global Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) in the financial markets will ultimately improve transparency and governance in the markets.
About ANNA
Established in 1992 by 22 founding numbering agencies, ANNA is the membership organization of national numbering agencies, which are operated by depositories, exchanges, government agencies, nationally central data vendors and other financial infrastructure organizations. ANNA also serves as the registration authority for the ISIN numbering standard, under appointment by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). Under ANNA’s stewardship, the role of the ISIN in enabling global financial communications has been established worldwide. ISINs are issued today in excess of 120 jurisdictions, while the number of national numbering agencies and nations working to establish national numbering agencies continues to grow each year.
For information about ANNA, its members and activities, please visit
Media contact:
Kathleen Hawk
Clearview Associates
+1 845 687-2222