ANNA Service Bureau (ASB): Single-point access to global identifiers
The ANNA Service Bureau (ASB) is a central data hub that has been collecting and enriching securities data from around the world since 2001. On a daily basis, the national numbering agencies feed new ISINs and CFIs as well as updates to existing data to the ASB.
The result is the most complete and current collection of ISINs and related data available in the world. This data is provided to the other numbering agencies, as well as non-members of ANNA such as financial services firms and financial data vendors.
The ASB was developed and is operated by ANNA partners CUSIP Global Services and SIX Financial Information.
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Recognition / Awards
The current ASB SC membership includes includes the following members:
- Laura Stanley, London Stock Exchange, United Kingdom (Chair)
- Stephan Dreyer, ANNA
- Iztok Klemenc, KDD – Central Securities Clearing Corporation, LLC, Slovenija
- Houcine Iazzaouihda, Maroclear, Morocco
- Catarina Marques, Clearstream Banking S.A., Luxembourg
- Bjørn Crepaz, VP Securities, Interbolsa, Euronext VPS, Denmark, Portugal, Norway
- Darren Purcell, CUSIP Global Services, ASB Operators
- Charles Freda, CUSIP Global Services, ASB Operators
ASB Supervisory Committee
The overarching responsibility of the ASB Supervisory Committee (ASB SC) is to monitor the management of the provision of the ASB services and determine the strategic direction for the ASB.
- Stephan Dreyer, ANNA (Chair)
- Agnieszka Zagrodzka, Euronext Dublin, Ireland
- Anukrithi Priya, Euronext Dublin, Ireland
- Hesham Mabrouk, MCDR, Egypt
- Manoven Sadayen, Financial Services Commission, Mauritius
- Maria del Carmen Garcia Martinez, CNMV, Spain
- Nader Nabil, MCDR, Egypt
- Taranjit Bhogal, London Stock Exchange Plc, United Kingdom
- Ulrike Litterscheid, WM Datenservice, Germany
- Jennifer Schürch, Six Financial, ASB Operators
- Manuel Alonso, Six Financial, ASB Operators
- Darren Purcell, CUSIP Global Services, ASB Operators
- Charles Freda, CUSIP Global Services, ASB Operators
ASB Advisory Committee
The overarching responsibility of the ASB Advisory Committee (ASB AC) is to provide governance over all activities necessary for the day to day running of the ASB, change management, and development overview of the ASB.